As we continue to face the global challenge of climate change, it is becoming increasingly important for industries to adopt more sustainable practices. The plastic industry is no exception to this rule. One of the solutions to this problem is the introduction of Green Masterbatch, one of the subsets of Color Masterbatch, a product that revolutionizes the way we think about plastic. In this article, I will introduce you to the concept of green masterbatch, its benefits, applications and how to transform it in the plastic industry.

An introduction to the green masterbatch

Plastic is everywhere and has become an essential part of our daily life. From packaging to auto parts, plastics are used in almost every industry. However, plastic is also responsible for a significant amount of environmental pollution. According to the United Nations, more than 8 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year. This pollution has severe consequences for marine life and the environment.

Green Masterbatch is a solution to this problem. It is a type of masterbatch that is made from natural or renewable resources such as plant materials. Green masterbatch is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional masterbatch and can be used to produce a wide range of plastic products.

What is green masterbatch?

خرید مستربچ سبز

Green masterbatch is a type of masterbatch that is made from natural or renewable resources. Masterbatch is a concentrated mixture of pigments, additives and carrier resin. It is added to the base polymer during the manufacturing process to give the final product its desired color and properties.

Green Masterbatch can be made from a variety of natural or renewable sources such as corn starch, potato starch, and wheat starch. These resources are biodegradable and compostable, making them a great alternative to traditional masterbatch.

Advantages of using green masterbatch

Green masterbatch has several advantages over traditional masterbatch. First, like the white masterbatch, it is environmentally friendly and reduces the environmental impact of plastic production. Second, it is biodegradable and compostable, meaning it can be broken down by natural processes and does not contribute to the accumulation of plastic waste. Thirdly, it can be used to produce a wide range of products from packaging to auto parts.

Another advantage of using green masterbatch is that it can improve the properties of the final product. For example, it can increase the tensile strength, elongation at break, and plastic impact resistance. This means that the finished product is more durable and can withstand more stress and strain.

How to produce green masterbatch

Green masterbatch is made from a combination of natural or renewable resources with carrier resin and additives. The carrier resin is usually a thermoplastic polymer such as polyethylene or polypropylene. A natural or renewable source is added in powder or pellet form.

The mixture is then heated and extruded to form a homogeneous mixture. The mixture is then cooled and cut into pellets that can be used in the production process. The final product has desired color and properties and is ready to be used in a wide range of applications.

The difference between green masterbatch and traditional methods

The main difference between green masterbatch and traditional masterbatch is the source of raw materials. Traditional masterbatch is made from non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels. These resources are not only limited but also contribute to environmental pollution.

On the other hand, green masterbatch is made from natural or renewable sources such as corn starch or potato starch. These resources are biodegradable and compostable, meaning they have a lower environmental impact than traditional masterbatch.

Another difference between green masterbatch and traditional coloring methods is the properties of the final product. Green masterbatch can improve the final product properties such as tensile strength, elongation at break and impact resistance. This means that the finished product is more durable and can withstand more stress and strain.

Application of green masterbatch

Green Masterbatch can be used in a wide range of applications. It is suitable for the production of packaging, auto parts, toys and consumer goods. Green Masterbatch can be used to produce biodegradable and compostable products such as disposable cutlery, plates and cups.

Green Masterbatch is also suitable for the production of agricultural films, which are used to cover crops and protect them from pests and weather. Agricultural films made from Green Masterbatch are biodegradable and can be plowed into the soil after use, reducing the amount of plastic waste.

How will green masterbatch revolutionize the plastic industry?

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Green Masterbatch is revolutionizing the plastics industry by providing an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional Masterbatch. Using green masterbatch reduces the environmental impact of plastic production and helps reduce the accumulation of plastic waste.

Green Masterbatch also changes the way we think about plastic products. It is possible to produce biodegradable and compostable plastic products, reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.

The introduction of green masterbatch also creates innovation in the plastic industry. Manufacturers are exploring new ways to use natural and renewable resources to produce environmentally friendly and sustainable plastics.

Manufacturer of green masterbatch

As a masterbatch manufacturer, Hamon Bespar offers a wide range of green masterbatch products, including biodegradable and compostable masterbatch.

Green masterbatch is becoming increasingly popular and more manufacturers are expected to enter the market in the coming years. This competition is expected to drive innovation and reduce the cost of green masterbatch and make it more accessible to manufacturers.

Cost and availability of Green Masterbatch

The cost of green masterbatch depends on various factors such as the type of natural or renewable resource used, production process and production volume. Green masterbatch is generally more expensive than traditional masterbatch due to the higher cost of natural or renewable resources.

However, the cost of green masterbatch is expected to decrease as more manufacturers enter the market and competition increases. The availability of green masterbatch is also expected to increase with the adoption of sustainable practices and increasing demand for environmentally friendly products.


The introduction of green masterbatch is an important step towards a more sustainable plastic industry. Green masterbatch is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional masterbatch that reduces the environmental impact of plastic production and helps reduce the accumulation of plastic waste.

Green masterbatch is suitable for a wide range of applications from packaging to automotive parts and can improve the properties of the final product. The use of green masterbatch is driving innovation in the plastics industry, and manufacturers are exploring new ways to use natural and renewable resources to produce sustainable plastics.

As the demand for environmentally friendly products increases, the availability and cost of green masterbatch is expected to improve, making it more accessible to manufacturers. The introduction of the Green Masterbatch is a positive step towards a more sustainable future and we should all welcome this innovation to create a better world for future generations.